March 26

Today I slept in til 9. Seeing a trend? If you haven’t figured it out by now, checkout is at 10am everywhere here. Prepped up and made my way to the Otago Bay Peninsula next to DunEEdin. There was hope for penguins out there again. I decide to use the route the man at the counter recommended the night before. This trip had great views, but let’s be honest, it is boring to write about. Just look at the damn pictures and enjoy. (Even so, I didn’t get many pictures as there weren’t many stopping spots. Driving windy roads and taking pictures is not a skill I have mastered yet.) I took the coastal route out there and the mountain road back. The mountain road is awesome. Rolling hills with sheep everywhere. Felt like a movie at times. The sheep become very frightened as they hear me drive by. I even saw a couple of sheep that somehow made it around the fence and onto the street. These rebels ran as if immigration was chasing after them; I didn’t know sheep could move so fast. At the coast I saw some seals laying around lazily again, got up pretty close to them and even received the stare down from one of them. Almost as if he heard the trash I talked about his peeps over at Milford Sound. Other than that, uneventful, seriously seals are boring. Penguins don’t come out until dusk, aka 7:45pm, and it is 3pm. I guess I’m not finding penguins today, either. I stop by a castle out there on the top of the hill as well which had neat views but to be honest, wasn’t very exciting.

I work my way back to downtown Dunedin and find a Merino Wool store. A friend I met in Australia has provided me a TON of advice on things to do in New Zealand and Thailand (many thanks to her), and one of the recommendations was to buy some Merino wool. Clothing items are usually not on my plans of things to get, but this could make for some gift items for folks back home. I am greeted by an elder lady as I enter the store who asks me what I’m looking for. “I have no idea, wool, I guess?” She laughs at me, but is super helpful in giving me ideas on things to get and figuring out sizes. I figure this is the ideal interaction between buyer and seller. On one side she gave me the information I needed and found the items for me but wasn’t pushy, and on the other side, I took up 10-15 minutes of her time and was very clear in, I like this and I don’t like that and I bought most of the items she put in front of me. $170 bucks and 15 minutes later, I’m back on the street. Yeah, damn wool is expensive. Time for some food. I find a cafe pub that is showing the Spurs-Thunder game on TV. Awesome! I sit down and get to see a quarter before they change it to the cricket match. Dammit! Who understands that sport anyway? Bummer, but I should probably go outside and take in the town anyways. I head to a table outside and lo and behold, my Milford Sound Canadian neighbors are sitting outside at the same bar! Cue the cliche small world phrase. They flag me over to come sit with them and this other older couple that they just met the previous night. This town is over six hours away from Milford Sound. They said they drove by Invercargil as well and decided to keep going; at least I wasn’t the only one. I eat some food while they have drinks. I felt a bit bad about eating in front of them, but it was approaching 4pm and I was starving. They were heading to another restaurant after this anyways. We chat for an hour and a half before we split up and head our own ways (chalk this up as small world encounter #2). I continue my drive towards Queenstown on my route back up north. I receive a message from CG (Cruise German) saying that she will also be arriving in Queenstown tomorrow. We coordinate some plans and decide to meet up in Queenstown the following morning.
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Side note: I do have one quick observation/rant. As you can probably guess, living in a van requires you to use public restrooms quite a bit, so I’ve seen my fair share of toilets out here. Now, I don’t know if women have this same issue with their toilet stalls, but why do stalls in the US always have a gap between the doors and the walls when everywhere else has figured out ways to avoid these gaps. Some places have full sealed doors for their stalls even. Are we afraid of something that nobody else in the world is worried about? Anyone know the reason for this? Using a toilet without the fear of someone walking by peeking in during your moment of zen is a nice peaceful feeling. Let’s start a petition! I’m out. G’nite!

  1. I really like your camera. Hope you bought a big hat too while you are down under so you don’t get sunburned again. Is New Zealand considered down under? Haha. Nice you run into familiar faces along the way. Happy Easter. I hope to see a penguin pic.

  2. So what is the verdict on the wool? Is it glorious wool or same ol’ same ol’?

    What’s with the rant? Did you have some sort of traumatic experience? You’ll get through this!

    • No traumatic experience. I just have a platform to rant on now! And this wool feels much nicer than what I’m used to. Some of it comes from the plague critters though.

  3. Is it just me or does this place seem like an awesome place to golf in? Everywhere you go it is green with rolling hills and rocky coast. Maybe it’s just spring now and I have the golfing itch.

    As for the stalls, I am with you buddy. I just assume we are too cheap/lazy in the states to catch up our stall technology to the modern day

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