Mar 30

It was raining again; at least it won’t be much of a bother today. I woke up a bit later than I hoped for, cleaned up, and drove like it was my job. Well, except for the two or three times I stopped for a couple of pictures and some sightseeing. I reserved a ferry for the following day so the goal this day was to make my way up towards Nelson via the west coast of the island, which would leave me about two hours away from the ferry port. I basically drove in an S pattern on my way north since there wasn’t a decent way to make it to the west coast from where I was (at least according to the GPS). Northeast to Northwest for a slight drive up the west coast then headed back inland NNE towards Nelson Bay on the north side of the South Island. Are you confused yet? Some of the mountain roads to cut across the island are really neat and fun to drive except for when you are stuck behind a semi or worse, multiple semis and are slowed to a crawl for miles. There were a few cool spots that would have been nice to stop at, such as a cave with a river flowing through it, but the focus today was making it to the next spot so I didn’t miss the ferry the following day.

I wanted to stay a bit closer into the city this night so I booked a hostel instead of a campsite. I arrived around 9:30 pm and was greeted by a guy named John who was traveling doing the work-travel deal. He and his wife moved out there from Idaho and have been there almost two years traveling and sightseeing. He comments on how they almost never see any Americans traveling out there for vacation. I blame this on our shorter vacations. We really need to do something about our crappy vacation scenarios compared to the rest of the developed countries. How do we get the six weeks of vacation that our fellow Europeans get? Seriously. Anyhow I’m roomed with an Eastern European guy and an American girl from the east coast. They’re both doing the year long work-travel deal. I’m starting to think I’m the only visitor ever to New Zealand who stayed less than a month. I ask them about the jobs they have done and the guy talks about how he tried working on a farm for a week, but the conditions were horrible so he quit. This is not the first time I hear this story. News flash for all you folks out there, farm work in NZ apparently really sucks. Either that or this new generation just isn’t cut out for manual labor (cue all the grandpa/ma working like a dog, uphill both ways and no shoes stories). The girl was currently working at a restaurant/bakery where it sounded like her boss was a nightmare. She was already interviewing for another job. Doesn’t sound like this work travel idea is such a pleasant experience after all. The girl is also planning on heading to Australia after the NZ stint and the topic of working at McDonald’s making $25/hour came up as well (minimum wage in AUS is ~$25/hr.). OK, I take it back, maybe this work travel idea isn’t such a bad idea after all. We also discussed TV shows and wow, the Eastern European guy was up to date on all the shows; he knew more about them than I do. It is pretty neat seeing how well American shows are known outside the US.
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