March 23

Today was a more relaxed day, which can also be taken to mean today’s post will be more boring. However there are some pretty cool pics so maybe just skip to the pictures, unless you’re bored, then read along. I’m just warning you ahead of time. I don’t want to see your hate mail afterwards. One hour drive to Queenstown and I spent the better part of the day there. I was blessed with another day of great weather. Blue skies and about 22-23*C. The city is very lively and full of adrenaline junkies. I swear there are about 20 different spots to bungie jump from. Cliffs, bridges into rivers, in between mountains, you name it. If that doesn’t suit your fancy, they have bungie swings, parasailing, paraglinding, hangliding, skydiving, superboat rides, weird tandem boat rides, you name it. The city is situated at the bottom of a mountain next to a massive lake and it is a great view from the top of the mountain. A city by the lake with mountains dropping down into water from all angles. What is not to like? I consider a couple of the events, but figured I’d rather save the $200-300 for something else. Not sure if that was a good or bad idea; jury is still out on that one. I do ride the gondola up to the top of the mountain (lazy route as you can also hike up the mountain but ain’t nobody got time for that) and take in the sights while watching the paragliders launch off the ledge in front of where a few of us are sitting. The paragliders all have go pros on selfie sticks and do the same routine of introduction, instructions, pictures with arms around the customer, and a picture of the customers together (e.g. if they have a couple or a group). Regardless if a picture is a repeat, each paraglider employee takes the same amount of clicks. There must be a picture quota. I was told to try to the luge up here and it was only a few bucks per ride so I give it a go and it is more entertaining than I expected. You can actually get going pretty fast and catch a couple small jumps. I do a couple trips of that but I could have done that for much longer. Overall, I spend a couple of hours at the top of the mountain, but I should get moving to the next city. It was nice to finally sit down for a bit and just relax. I head back down and find the world famous Fergburger that a fellow coworker highly recommended. It is a small shackish type place but the line for this place around noon was probably 40 people deep down the side of the street. It is now 3:30 pm and the line is down to 10 people. The burgers are quite tasty with a hint of sweetness (not sure what it was though). I find another isite, buy tickets for the ship ride around the Milford Sound the next day, book a night at the Milford Sound Lodge and am on my way.

The drive between Queenstown and Milford Sound (4 hours) is awesome! Mountains and cliffs behind bodies of water. The first hour of that trip was nothing but that, then farmland for an hour, then the last leg from Te Anau to Milford Sound was crazy. My favorite part was going through the Homer tunnel; single lane for two way traffic and an aggressive decline. I had to shift into first gear because none of the other gears could slow the van down. Speed limit was 30kph and the van was just revving at 3500rpm in a tunnel with no lights and no end in sight. Creepy as hell. During the day they have stop lights to tell traffic when they can go, so as to avoid oncoming traffic. I showed up at night so everything was off. Hopefully nobody is coming up (and no one did, it felt deserted). I finally make it to the end of the tunnel but the descent doesn’t stop. I am constantly on and off the brakes while driving in 2nd/3rd gear. This is definitely where folks overheat their brakes; around 7-10km of driving like this. I shifted into first gear a couple of times to allow the brakes to cool down. I finally make it to the campsite/lodge and this place is great. The views from the campsite are fantastic but the weather is starting to look a bit bleary. I check in and decide to stay for two nights to relax for a bit. This area seems too cool. One downside is that the internet here is $20 for 100MB and there is no cell service. I bought one voucher signed on, and within 5 minutes, the site pops up and says 100MB used and kicks me offline. WTF. I missed turning off some of the auto updates on the iPad. Screw it, I’ll go without internet for a couple of days. Sleep at a decent time finally and some good rest as rain starts to hit the roof of the campervan.
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  1. Can you please stop with the Celsius? Haha. You missed your calling as a travel writer. Never too late. That tunnel is sure creepy and nice you are challenging your driving skills with this manual van on this trip.

    • Ha, of all people I figured you’d be one of the ones most comfortable with Celsius. Also driving this van through mountians is nonstop shifting. Almost as bad as a traffic jam.

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