Mar 29

The weather was overcast again today and a bit chilly. It’s becoming a trend. My legs aren’t as bad as I expected which is a good thing; there is another long day of hiking planned for today. CG was planning to join me for this day as well, Mt. Cook and Tekapo, but she ran itno trouble finding a hostel at either of these locations. One of the benefits of the campervan; park and sleep wherever. I know what you’re thinking and let’s be honest, there is no way to say, “you want to hang out in my van?” without sounding creepy to someone you met a couple days ago. So with that said, I mention to check the neighboring town and offer the van as a backup option if that didn’t work. Luckily for her, the neighboring town had openings.

I pick her up and neither of us have had breakfast so we pick up a couple of items at the grocery store and park the van by the lake for breakfast. I’m not a fan of vans, but this is pretty cool.

The drive to Mount Cook is a bit under two hours and is a pretty neat scenery as you are approaching; the glaciers stretching down the mountains look really neat. When we arrive, we find the tourist center, check out the area and talk to an employee about the hike. It was a bit chilly and raining this day, but we..err I can’t waste any days (I have 4 days left), so we head out. I won’t bore you with stories on this one but here a few highlights and comments on the photos:
There are clouds covering the peaks of the mountains, so some of the pictures do not look good because the top of the mountains appear washed out.
We ran into the Hong Kong girl from Queenstown on this hike (~4 hours away; makes this random encounter #4).
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We built a rock tower at Hooker Valley and to make sure we were not outdone by any other rock towers, I find a large rock for our base which I nearly throw my back out picking up.
CG forced me to take more pictures so that people will believe I was there (which led to some funny explanations). I will admit some of them were alright. On the way back we took some really neat pictures in the middle of the road, which I plan on turning into another blog of “pretty picture, ugly picture”.

From there we head to Lake Pukaki, but the sun is starting to set so we are slightly rushed to get there. We do arrive just in time to get some neat scenery and photos, but it was short lived. After this, CG treats me to a nice Italian dinner as a thanks for letting her tag along, a really nice gesture; I like this girl. She’s the kind of girl I would go after back home; cute, caring, modest, active, and fun with a hint of crazy; aren’t all women crazy? (Cue the hate mail from the 2 readers). Too bad she lives on the other side of the world (or perhaps lucky for her, she can rest safe knowing she has enough distance from this creepervan guy, haha). We end up in Twinzel which is a good midpoint but a tiny quiet town. Don’t bother stopping here unless you can’t find a spot elsewhere.


Note: Like the last couple of days, some of these pictures are CG’s. She was kind enough to share her pictures with me. One funny note: she called me out when I missed a few pictures of us saying, “What? You don’t want the pictures of us?” Ha, I didn’t see them, I swear; there were hundreds probably thousands of pictures to sort through.

  1. Hate mail. Right on queue. That’s just not right, man. We’re not crazy.

    Also, the creepervan on the side of the road…seriously stepped up the creepiness. That’s a van that I don’t park near if I see it in a lot somewhere. Just keep driving. You’re lucky your friends are trusting.

    • Holy crap you’re fast, Red. Lol to the creeper van. I think part of what makes it even creepier is taht it doesn’t even have any logos or signs on the panels. Its just…white. I’d park far away, myself as well. Oh and as for crazy women, haha I had to sneak a jab in there.

  2. Sounds like l***. Nice mountain picture. I like the creeper van on side of road picture. The ones reflecting in the water are cool too.

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