First off, Thank you Enrique Serra for letting me use this blog for my expat adventures in China, SE Asia and beyond.

I’ve been in Changchun, China for a week now. The first few days were spent finding an apartment, acclimating to a new world, and organizing paperwork. I will put together a separate post later, detailing the first few weeks of living in such a foreign land; trying to get more pics together for that post. Also, thank you to CHR Relocation Services for helping me out and making the transition much easier.

For some reason, we have the next few days off from work. I’m not entirely sure why, but I’m not complaining! I decided to check out Jingyuetan National Forest Park. I guess this has China’s highest tourist rating, so I wanted to check it out. I had been briefly in the winter during my orientation, but below 0 temps don’t allow much time to really explore. This time however, the weather was perfect. Rain from a few nights ago really cleared the air and provided some of the best views I have seen in China so far. Hope y’all enjoy the pics! Look for more posts to come soon.







Lotus Willow Garden

Lotus Willow Garden


Locals enjoying the beach

Locals enjoying the beach




Entrance to botanical gardens

Entrance to botanical gardens



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Bell tower


Hills to explore in the future

Hills to explore in the future


View of Changchun City

View of Changchun City. When in the city, it is hard to get an idea of just how large it is. This pic really captures the size.


View from Bisong Tower

View from Bisong Tower






So many bees!


Lots and lots of flowers at the park

Lots and lots of flowers at the park


Pink Lily I believe

Pink Lily I believe




  1. To my adventurous son…great pics and I look forward to learning more about the city, culture, and your experiences in China and beyond! 😎

  2. I’m so glad your doing a blog. Should I add you to my Feedly acct? What a perfect way to keep us up-to-date. I’ve been wondering how you’re holding up so far. I feel like you’re following in your Uncle Tom’s footsteps when he traipsed off to Alaska. What an exciting adventure for you!

  3. Great Travel-log! Would love to see pictures of you and your sister.
    While watching the Olympics, I thought about you and your swimming days. Glad to see/hear you are doing such amazing things!

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