So I finally picked up the camper van today.  Aside from a couple of items worn out a bit (e.g. table can’t be fully kept from swiveling) the van is pretty sweet.  It is a Vdub  (ze German engineering ja) and runs really well except for lacking power.  This thing is rather underpowered which has me shifting a lot.  Oh and there is no cruise control.  WTF!  BUT aside from those things, it is still kind of fun to drive, mostly due to the fact that it is right hand drive and manual.   The driving feels pretty normal until you come to an intersection or a roundabout.  Heck even on the 2 lane highways when oncoming traffic is coming around a curve, you freak out for split second thinking they are in your lane.  It keeps you awake for sure.

So I was hoping to make it to Wellington today, but as most things on the first day go, everything is usually behind scehdule.  Van wasn’t ready when I got there.  Had to wait an extra hour.  Found out the radio has no inputs and there is also only one cigarette lighter outlet AND the USB cable for the GPS system is too short.  Two electronic stores and 100 bucks later (fricking FM modulators are expensive), I have music, gps and phone charging.  Good to go.

I made it to a spot just south of Tongariro National Park (the Mt. Tongariro volcano is one of the LotR filming spots) which leaves me still a few hours shy of Wellington.  I did stop early since it was the first day with the van and I wanted to still have sunlight as I tried to figure out how to set this thing up.  It went rather smoothly and sunlight went out just as I finished.  I am writing from the back of the van where I am FREEZING.  Its getting down to 4*C tonight and I have no heater.  Maybe I’ll lock the toaster to the on position.  That’s safe right?   Oh well, time to layer up all these blankets.

Tomorrow should be an interesting day.  If I can get on the ferry at a decent time I may be able to make some progress, but there is also a good chance I’ll be stuck in Wellington, which is one of the spots on my “to hit” list so it will be win win either way.  I created a list of things to do in each city I visit, but I’m trying to avoid setting up specific dates for each city.  I did it with the intent of keeping me from stressing/hurrying to make it to the next spot, but sometimes I get stressed not having a detailed schedule.  Eh, I’ll survive.  Alright well this is a boring short post but here are some pictures of the van.  I didn’t get a good camping spot but the mountains in the background with snow are pretty sweet.  Oh and these are iPhone pics since I was in a hurry.
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  1. Croiky! Sounds like a pretty awesome time so far Ricky. Now that you got the van all set up it should be no time until the ladies start chasing ya #chickmagnet. Try not to lose focus man, haha.


      Oh yes, because a white van with curtains to conceal the inside is what every girl looks for a man to have. Seriously, if it wasn’t for the “campervan part” this thing would be a creeper mobile. Where’s my free candy sticker?

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