Ah, the cliche first words whenever one creates a new program.  I figured this was a fitting title for my first post and I’m sure that I’m not the first one to do this.  Who cares.  So I created this site to track my endeavors for the next few weeks as I travel to some new locations.  Hopefully I don’t fizzle and let this site turn into an online ghosttown.  Feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think, good or bad, but be warned, I will glare at you via my screen when I read your negative comment.  Haha.  Oh and to tell you how much of a rookie I am at this, I just wrote my first paragraph, clicked on another tab on my iPad to grab a link, clicked back and it refreshed this page, so all progress was lost (bring on the Android haters).

Which brings me to my next point.  I will be doing all of this from my iPad, which may or may not be a good idea.  Who knows.   I acquired this Logitech keyboard cover for the iPad which I really like so far …except…look at all these negative comments about the clips breaking. Oh well, I’m committed to it for now.

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  1. While I second the whole “you suck” thing, looking forward to seeing pics. Especially pics of van victims. Have fun buddy.

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