Mar 31

The ferry leaves the dock at 2:00 pm and I was told the drive there is about 1.5 hours. There is a viewpoint up the hill next to Nelson that gives you a nice view from above of the city and the bay; the “Center of New Zealand” hike. I check out, throw my stuff in the van, and head uptown for this hike/walk. The town is pretty relaxed and quiet, at least the areas I walked through. Take my opinion with a grain of salt since I spent less than 20 hours in this town including sleeping. The hike is somewhat steep at times, but not too long. It took me about an hour to get to the top from the hostel and about 45 minutes to get back. No exciting stories here, just enjoy the pictures and if you do go to this town, you should do this mini-hike.

I made it back to the van around noon and took off for Picton. The drive to Picton is through a few mountains and there are quite a few spots where you get stuck behind semis driving at 30-50kph or so. It took me a full two hours with the traffic and I arrived about 40 minutes before the ferry took off, a bit too close to take off for my liking. About 25 mins before take off they load us up. The weather for the return trip is a lot nicer than the trip down.

We arrive in Wellington and my goal is to get to a decent spot that will put me within reasonable range of Hobbiton for the following day. It also looks like the campervans shifted during the trip and the vehicles are now touching as we board our vehicles. I guess this is why they don’t allow people down here. I want to take a different route so I work up towards the east coat to a town called Napier. Its on the coast and it will allow me to drive through Lake Taupo on my way to Hobbiton. The drive was actually not that exciting. I do make it to the campsite and check in. This place definitely has a…umm…trailer park feel to it. There were some more permanent trailer homes there and I’m not sure if they were used as rental rooms or longer term living. The creepervan doesn’t feel so creepy now. I’m running low on clothes so I do a couple loads of laundry so that I’m set for my trip to Thailand. I throw the first load in the dryer while the second one is washing and when I come back to pick up the clothes, everything is still wet. Uh oh. I take out some lesser important items, add the new load to the remainder of the old load in the dryer and run it again at a higher heat setting. 50 minutes later, still wet. Oh well, time to hang clothes all over the campervan. I’m starting to fit right in at this trailer park…
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  1. I like the inclusion of the maps! Nice addition. Also, the mental image of drying clothes hanging on/around the creepervan just completes the story.

    • Ha, I wasn’t sure if people would even notice. I know when I was trying to plan out activities, it bugged me when I couldn’t tell what was where. I like having the maps there.

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