Part two of my time in Borneo brought Erika and me to Mulu National Park, deep in the ancient rain forest of Borneo. Here we spent a few days exploring the rain forest, getting to see some really incredible insects and plants. We also explored the vast cave system that Mulu is so well known for. Our accomodations were a part of the hotel the national park runs.

On our first day, we spent it mostly relaxing and taking a walk through the trails in the rain forest. Here you really appreciate just how dense the jungle is and the variety of life.

A young banana tree and it’s flower.


Day two we explored Cave of the Winds, with thin stalagtites and stalagmites. It gets the name because when it is sunny, the pressure difference creates a strong wind that blows through the cave due to a large hole in the top.

The formations look truly other worldly.

Not a great picture, because the light is so bad in the caves, but this reminded me of a fist.

We then left this cave to head to the Clearwater cave. Here is a massive cave with an incredibly clear river flowing through it.

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After we returned, we got ready for a guided night walk through the jungle. Night is when you can really see all the bugs come out and appreciate the bizarre species here.

Here is a stick bug, the picture doesn’t do justice for how big these guys are. Many are 6+ inches long and they are all over. Luckily they are harmless.

A big snail crawling on a bench.

We got extremely lucky and managed to catch the 10 foot long anaconda sneaking through the river below us. Of all the snakes in the area, this is the one you want to encounter, he isn’t venomous and not too interested in humans.

Two millipedes mating.







    • Cameron, no doubt you are so glad you accepted the position in China. It gives you the opportunity to visit these incredible places. Just want you to know that Walusiku graduated from college last week. He is qualified to teach in high school.


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