Today marks 4 weeks living in Changchun. So far I can say it has been exciting, interesting, and fun. Coming here in the summer definitely is making adjusting and getting used to the city much easier than in the Winter. It pretty much stays below 15F from December to march, with lows down to -20; making exploring the city difficult.

Anyways, I wanted to post a few pictures of the what the city is like and some of the things I have seen so far. We have a 4 day weekend in the middle of September and plan to head to Changbai Mountain. This is a right on the boarder of North Korea and a few hour train ride away from Changchun. Hopefully the weather is good and I can get some great pictures, from what I’ve seen and heard it is an amazing place. After that, I have a trip to Thailand booked (sorry I didn’t make it clear, the older posts on this blog are from Enrique, he went to NZ and Thailand. My first trip to Thailand will be 1st week of October), looking forward to sharing some pictures and experiences from there too.



Giant hanging vegetables outside my apartment.


Birthday dinner with my coworkers.


Literally a whole aisle of Ramen like noodles.


One of China’s famous meals is Hot Pot. They bring out all sorts of meats and vegetables and you cook it yourself in personal pots of oil. Like “The Melting Pot” but better.


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This is a jade market down the street from me. Some amazing sculptures that they make here. Will probably have to buy something from here in the future. Also, the merchants sleep at night in their stalls. I didn’t get it in this picture, but they usually have beds in the back. Every few weeks they move to a new location in the city.


This is Culture Square. Lots of people flying kites and enjoying the late summer afternoon.


Huge kites, some people are serious about this.


More kites.


Just some people relaxing in the park this afternoon. It was a nice place to read for a while.


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